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時間:2024-09-17 09:38:49    編輯:azu






  • 主要人物1:小林智,一直被怖拉修所救助,加入組織后展現出了驚人的解謎能力。
  • 主要人物2:織部恭司,擁有能力預測未來的預知力,是團隊的智囊團。
  • 主要人物3:藏虎,是一個外表冷酷但內心善良的年輕人,能力是控制火元素。
  • 主要人物4:千姬,性格開朗活潑,擅長操縱幻影并欺騙對手。
  • 主要人物5:天羽,是團隊里的機械專家,經常制造出各種高科技武器。
  • 第七鬼神怖拉修全貌

  • 主要人物6:龍宮寺,擁有強大的超能力,能夠控制時間和空間。
  • 主要人物7:玄村,是團隊中的領袖,負責統籌整個團隊行動。







The Seven Ghosts, also known as the Seven Deities, are a group of powerful beings in Japanese folklore and mythology. They are often associated with different aspects of nature, such as the wind, thunder, fire, and water. These seven deities are believed to have the power to control various elements and bring both blessings and curses to those who encounter them.

The Seven Ghosts

The Seven Ghosts are: Raijin, the god of thunder; Fujin, the god of wind; Hachiman, the god of war; Inari, the goddess of rice and agriculture; Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun; Susanoo, the god of the sea and storms; and Tsukiyomi, the god of the moon. Each of these deities has its own unique powers and responsibilities, and they are revered by many for their ability to influence the world around them.

  • Raijin: controls thunder and lightning
  • Fujin: controls the wind and storms
  • Hachiman: oversees the art of war and protection
  • Inari: governs rice cultivation and agriculture
  • Amaterasu: presides over the sun and light
  • Susanoo: rules over the sea and storms
  • 第七鬼神英文翻譯

  • Tsukiyomi: governs the moon and night

Legends and Myths

There are many legends and myths surrounding the Seven Ghosts, each one highlighting their powers and influence over the natural world. One popular myth is the story of Raijin and Fujin, who are said to be brothers constantly at war with each other. Raijin controls thunder and lightning, while Fujin controls the wind and storms, leading to epic battles between the two.

  • Raijin's thunder drums are said to create the sounds of thunder during a storm
  • Fujin's bag contains the winds that he releases upon the world

Another famous legend is the tale of Susanoo, the god of the sea and storms, who battled a monstrous serpent to save a village from destruction. Susanoo's bravery and strength are still celebrated today, with many sailors and fishermen praying to him for safe travels on the ocean.

Modern Interpretations


Today, the Seven Ghosts are still revered in Japan and other parts of the world, with many temples and shrines dedicated to them. People often pray to these deities for protection, good fortune, and blessings in various aspects of their lives. Additionally, the Seven Ghosts have been featured in popular culture, including anime, manga, and video games, further cementing their status as iconic figures in Japanese folklore.

  • Raijin and Fujin are often depicted in video games as powerful elemental bosses
  • Hachiman is portrayed as a noble warrior in historical dramas and literature
  • Inari's fox messengers appear in various forms of media as wise and mysterious creatures


The Seven Ghosts are a fascinating group of deities with powerful abilities and rich mythologies. Whether they are bringing thunder and lightning, guiding the winds, or protecting warriors in battle, these legendary beings continue to captivate the imaginations of people around the world. Through their stories and legends, the Seven Ghosts remind us of the enduring power of nature and the supernatural in shaping our lives and beliefs.

